Texecom Security Alarm Systems
Security Alarm App Operation & Notifications
With our Texecom security alarm systems, wired or wireless, we offer the addition of the Smartcom which connects your Texecom security alarm system to your home internet allowing installation of the Connect app with control of your alarm for arming, part arming and disarming the system.
Furthermore the Connect app will notify you of an active alarm, alerting you to a possible intruder in your home immediately. This also saves on disturbance during false alarms as once verified as a false alarm you can simply disarm the system at the touch of a button.
Contact Wilsons Systems, your reliable local security alarm installer.
View the display of the app and its additional features in the video.
Wired or wireless security system?
Wireless Security Alarm
Wireless security alarm systems are far easier to install than conventional wired alarm systems, making them a cost effective solution to home security.
There is no need to run metres of wire around loft space, walls, and outside your home or office, as the wireless components all communicate with each other via a similar technology that runs your wi-fi computer.
Easily Upgraded & Extended
Extra motion sensors can easily be added at any time to extend your system throughout your home.
Wired Security Alarm
Wired alarm systems are thought of as more permanent and reliable in their design.
There are no wireless dropouts, limitations between floors and walls, and the cabling ensures a permanent sure connection to the monitoring unit at all time.
The cabling can also be run and operated over longer distances than with wireless systems.